Face To Face Therapy
…helped me deal with childhood and adult trauma in a way that has allowed me to move forward with my life in a positive manner. My therapy enabled me to process personal loss, and take care of my wellbeing both in the workplace and in my personal relationships. It gave me the tools I need to live a happy, supported and fulfilled life.
Anon: August 2020
Face to face therapy usually happens in a comfortable, confidential room and we have locations in Carlisle, Penrith, Wigton and near Ivegill.
If circumstances permit, face to face therapy can also allow us to meet outdoors, in a private space or for you to take a walk with a therapist in the countryside. These different options can be useful to help us see the world differently or to appreciate different possibilities as well as helping us feel at ease with each another.
Face to face therapy in a therapist’s room or clinic is a tried and tested way of providing therapy. It is especially useful if you are needing to talk about difficult life events because it allows you to have those conversations in a place that is away from your own home and away from distractions.
It can also be important to choose face to face therapy if it is difficult to distance yourself from the stresses of life at home or if you would find it difficult to speak without being overheard or interrupted by other people or tasks at home.
A therapist’s room or clinic provides a safe, comfortable and confidential environment free from distractions and outside influences.
Contact Us
Our main offices are in Carlisle at:
13 Earl Street
Email: enquiries@psychologycumbria.co.uk
We also have clinicians who see clients in Penrith, Wigton & Ivegill in Cumbria